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What is RoHS
发布时间:2021-10-20 09:59:33 点击量:633
The RoHS directive is the abbreviation of the state's newly enacted "restrictions on the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment". As the name suggests, RoHS detector is a kind of detection ROHS detector, the principle is the use of X ray detection ROHS standard provisions of the elements of the content, these elements include:
1 lead 1000ppm below
2 mercury 1000ppm below
3 cadmium 100ppm below
Six 4 valence chromium 1000ppm below
5 poly (PBB) 1000ppm below
6 more than bromine two phenyl ether (PBDE) 1000ppm
RoHS detector has many kinds, the price also varies, but it is more expensive, only a large test center and a large company. At present, many specialized agencies have to provide ROHS testing services.
Type RoHS tester on the market today are X - ray fluorescence analyzer, and divided into energy dispersion and wavelength dispersion and energy dispersion due to its technical principle and simple structure than the wavelength dispersive, more common on the market now.